SSC Toolbox Social Source Commons Blog

Nonprofit Tech, Tools and Social Media

A program of Aspiration 

Category Archives: Tools

Who Owns Your Org’s Facebook Page?

Baby Shocked After Finding Out Facebook Privacy ChangesImage courtesy of mithadriel Facebook has been pretty lame lately. If you’ve been living under a rock, go check your privacy settings and cry. Then, angrily tweet or update your status saying how you should leave Facebook. But don’t. You can’t. A lot of us can’t. For one […]

Building a Social Media Dashboard with Netvibes

With all of this talk about Social Media Dashboards, I thought I would condense Aspiration‘s Building Your Own Social Media Dashboard slide deck into a blog post to show you how easy it is to start monitoring social media outlets for what you care about. What the hoozeewhatsit is a “Dashboard”, anyway? A dashboard is […]

Translating Your Site with Worldwide Lexicon

Photo courtesy of Shawn Econo In our continued quest to make our blog more accessible (see Social Media and Accessibility), we’ve added Worldwide Lexicon to the SSC Blog! What is Worldwide Lexicon, you ask? Well, dear friend, Worldwide Lexicon (or WWL as the cool kids say) is a great way to offer your blog or […]

A Toolbox of Free and Open Source Web Design Apps

Embedded below is a toolbox that I put together on Social Source Commons of tools that I use when working on websites that Aspiration manages (Aspiration, Social Source Commons, SSC Blog & Answr). I wanted to show you how easy it is to create a narrative with a toolbox. First Sign In, then go to […]

Netvibes Introduces Instant Social Media Dashboards

As you may know, we here at Social Source Commons and Aspiration are big proponents of putting together a Social Media Dashboard to monitor what people are saying about you online. The basic idea was that social media sites post RSS feeds for searches. This means that you can search for a term like your […]

Tools to Mobilize Knowledge

Javascript is disabled. To see the toolbox, please enable Javascript or see the toolbox page. There is so much information related to social justice and nonprofit organizations floating around the internet just waiting to be plucked from research obscurity and be used by an organization that can affect real lives. BUT who’s going to pull […]

A Quick Note on Cross-Posting on Facebook Fan Pages

Many organizations use Facebook as their primary social network (as opposed to Twitter, LinkedIn or MySpace). We have a Facebook page for both Social Source Commons and Aspiration on which we periodically update our statuses in addition to the resources that we push out through our Twitter page. One feature that I don’t think many […]

“Are You Taking Full Advantage of RSS?” or “RSS 201”

Many people have no idea what that funny little icon is on some webpages. It’s not really hurting anything so most people ignore it as another “computer thing” that they don’t need to know about. Others, who know what RSS is, know it as a easier way to stay on top of blogs. However, even […]

Mozilla’s Jetpack for Learning Design Camp

Design Camp for Mozilla Jetpack This week, I’m in beautiful Austin, Texas with BBQ, cowboy hats and more live music than you can shake a stick at. Aspiration is here co-organizing Mozilla‘s Jetpack for Learning Design Camp, an event bringing together finalists who have developed open education-related add-ons for Firefox using Mozilla’s new “Jetpack” framework. […]

Digital Asset Management Platforms

Photo Pile Image courtesy of Orin Zebest First of all, if you aren’t receiving the NTEN Discuss newsletter as a nonprofit techie, then you should get on that asap. Great conversations and resources from people that know exactly what it’s like to be the accidental techie at a nonprofit organization. Many times, someone will ask […]

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