Tag Archives: nptech
Twitter Policy Head-Scratchers
There are many questions to ask yourself when putting together a policy for your organization’s Twitter account and Aspiration and Social Source Commons are asking them. Because of the casual, disposable nature of Twitter’s medium, organizations may think that they don’t have to pay as strict attention to it as an online communications channel. However, […]
Toolbox for Smaller Nonprofit Organizations
Javascript is disabled. To see the toolbox, please enable Javascript or see the toolbox page. Recently, Charise Van Liew of fuseDC put together a toolbox entitled Toolbox for Smaller Nonprofit Organizations that was filled with tools that fuseDC recommends to, you guessed it, smaller nonprofits. fuseDC describes their organization as: fuseDC is a cost-free, interactive […]
Facebook Privacy Toolbox
Hi everyone, I just wanted to post a quick note for you all to check out the awesome Facebook Privacy Toolbox that Kathryn Benedicto put together to help people like yourselves to navigate Facebook‘s every-changing privacy invasion settings. Check out the tools below to protect yourself and regain some kind of semblance of security from […]
Who Owns Your Org’s Facebook Page?
Baby Shocked After Finding Out Facebook Privacy ChangesImage courtesy of mithadriel Facebook has been pretty lame lately. If you’ve been living under a rock, go check your privacy settings and cry. Then, angrily tweet or update your status saying how you should leave Facebook. But don’t. You can’t. A lot of us can’t. For one […]
Translating Your Site with Worldwide Lexicon
Photo courtesy of Shawn Econo In our continued quest to make our blog more accessible (see Social Media and Accessibility), we’ve added Worldwide Lexicon to the SSC Blog! What is Worldwide Lexicon, you ask? Well, dear friend, Worldwide Lexicon (or WWL as the cool kids say) is a great way to offer your blog or […]
A Toolbox of Free and Open Source Web Design Apps
Embedded below is a toolbox that I put together on Social Source Commons of tools that I use when working on websites that Aspiration manages (Aspiration, Social Source Commons, SSC Blog & Answr). I wanted to show you how easy it is to create a narrative with a toolbox. First Sign In, then go to […]
Netvibes Introduces Instant Social Media Dashboards
As you may know, we here at Social Source Commons and Aspiration are big proponents of putting together a Social Media Dashboard to monitor what people are saying about you online. The basic idea was that social media sites post RSS feeds for searches. This means that you can search for a term like your […]
A Quick Note on Cross-Posting on Facebook Fan Pages
Many organizations use Facebook as their primary social network (as opposed to Twitter, LinkedIn or MySpace). We have a Facebook page for both Social Source Commons and Aspiration on which we periodically update our statuses in addition to the resources that we push out through our Twitter page. One feature that I don’t think many […]
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