Category Archives: Social Media
Facebook Page vs. Group for Nonprofits
This post updated April 27th, 2012 At Aspiration, we often talk to organizations with questions about whether to set up a Profile, Group, or Page on Facebook for their organization. I wanted to walk through some of the differences between these to help guide your Facebook set up. Define Your Goals First, if you haven’t […]
Forced to Use Facebook = Horrible
Recently, being a geek about Newsletter templates and HTML, I found myself voluntarily clicking on a link to vote for the best of a user-generated collection of email templates at Vertical Response. Excitement to participate soon disolved to other-worldly rage when I realized that the only way to vote was to click the Facebook “Like” […]
SSC Facebook: Marcia Marcia Marcia, etc.
With all of this talk about channels, focuses (foci) and conversation, the elephant in the room is the Social Source Commons Facebook page. Kind of the Jan Brady compared to the Marcia that is the Aspiration Facebook page, our SSC Facebook page just doesn’t get much play. While the Aspiration FB page is full of […]
Conversations Across Channels
A couple of days ago, on the Aspiration Facebook page, I asked if people thought it was cool and kosher to take screenshots of Facebook comment threads and stick them into blog posts. The replies were varied and I encourage you to take a look at this screenshot of the comments I took out […]
Musings & Rumblings on Twitter vs. Facebook
FeatureComparisons Following Character Limits @ Functionality Streams Additional Content Searches Conversations Forwarding Content Idealware recently introduced a great tool for nonprofits thinking about using Twitter and Facebook for organizational communications. The tool is a great introduction to some of the differences between the two services and where they may be useful. I wanted to pile […]
Special Event Hashtag for Resource-Routing
Aspiration just got back from Barcelona, Spain working with Mozilla to put on the 2010 Drumbeat Festival around the intersection between Open Education and the web. It was a blast filled with people from around the world, Serrano ham and a lot (possibly too much) Spanish espresso. One of the things that we helped with […]
Walking Through Organizing Your Online Channels
Aspiration recently did a training at the UC Berkeley Labor Center around online communications and I presented our Publishing Matrix as a way for these organizations to get a handle around the organizational processes/policies surrounding the myriad online channels that are out there. Those of you familiar with Aspiration’s Organizational Processes already know about how […]
The URL Shortener That Does More Than Tidy Up
Some men love plaid. Some skinny ties. And some love URL shorteners. I’m not going to say who exactly, but someone who writes for a certain blog has a secret love for, the URL shortener. This is what he might highlight if he was (hypothetically) writing this post: Wait. What exactly is a URL […]
BackType Stops Searching Blog Comments.
Millions Blot Tears.
Your Favorite Blog Comment Search Service is Gone Backtype, everyone’s favorite blog comment search engine is no longer a blog comment search engine. This is terrible news for those of us who construct our own social media dashboards by pulling in search RSS feeds. There isn’t an alternative free service that matches BackType’s capabilities. This […]