Tag Archives: share
Making a ‘Tweet This’ Button with # and @
Are you trying to set up a “Tweet This” link in your email newsletter but it keeps looking funny or not including all the text? Last year, Matt wrote one of Social Source Common’s most popular blog posts that details Creating “Share This on Facebook/Twitter” Links. The post includes what code is needed to create […]
What’s Your Desert Island Tool?
Those working in nonprofits and other NGOs use a ton of software everyday. Just look at the New Tools coming into Social Source Commons! I’ll give you a nickel if you’ve heard of half of ’em. A NICKEL. Nonprofit professionals are working in an world of extremely diverse topic areas and campaigns which means that […]
Conversations Across Channels
A couple of days ago, on the Aspiration Facebook page, I asked if people thought it was cool and kosher to take screenshots of Facebook comment threads and stick them into blog posts. The replies were varied and I encourage you to take a look at this screenshot of the comments
I took out […]