Tag Archives: facebook
Social Media for Events
On a day to day basis, it’s easy to ebb and flow your social media efforts depending on what’s going on at your organization and how much engagement needs to be done with your community. But what about social media surrounding events? With Aspiration putting together so many events lately, (OSPcon, Open Subtitles Design Summit, […]
Facebook Privacy Toolbox
Hi everyone, I just wanted to post a quick note for you all to check out the awesome Facebook Privacy Toolbox that Kathryn Benedicto put together to help people like yourselves to navigate Facebook‘s every-changing privacy invasion settings. Check out the tools below to protect yourself and regain some kind of semblance of security from […]
Who Owns Your Org’s Facebook Page?
Baby Shocked After Finding Out Facebook Privacy ChangesImage courtesy of mithadriel Facebook has been pretty lame lately. If you’ve been living under a rock, go check your privacy settings and cry. Then, angrily tweet or update your status saying how you should leave Facebook. But don’t. You can’t. A lot of us can’t. For one […]
A Quick Note on Cross-Posting on Facebook Fan Pages
Many organizations use Facebook as their primary social network (as opposed to Twitter, LinkedIn or MySpace). We have a Facebook page for both Social Source Commons and Aspiration on which we periodically update our statuses in addition to the resources that we push out through our Twitter page. One feature that I don’t think many […]
Facebook Causes Drama
I recently set up a Facebook Cause for Aspiration, the mama org of Social Source Commons. It was simple and in only a few minutes I had created an Aspiration Cause that I could use to find supporters and receive donations. My motivation wasn’t to start the grand “Help Aspiration Save the World!” fundraising campaign […]
Photos for Nonprofits
Talking to a small nonprofit looking to get started on Social Media recently, the executive director told me that she’s trying her hardest to get comfortable with Flickr because she knew that it was the place for photos and social networking. Immediately, I thought to myself: “Wait. Is it?” It seems that more and more […]
Exporting & Backing Up Your Social Media Data
Javascript is disabled. To see the toolbox, please enable Javascript or see the toolbox page. At Aspiration, we’ve been trying to smooth some of the rough edges that we have with regard to ensuring that we have our data secure. This both means having a reliable and trusted service into which we put that data […]
Online Communications Publishing Matrix Tools
We nonprofit geeks over at Aspiration, the mama organization for Social Source Commons have recently begun working in Social Media for our organization. While this new world can be big, scary, haphazard, constantly changing and full of scary critters, there is a lot of potential value that nonprofits can gain by engaging the different audiences […]
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