SSC Toolbox Social Source Commons Blog

Nonprofit Tech, Tools and Social Media

A program of Aspiration 

Category Archives: Toolboxes

2 New Tools and a Toolbox on SSC

As we get more and more great New Tools added to Social Source Commons, we like to shout them out and see what our illustrious users think. So take a gander and let us know what tools are lighting up YOUR toolbox. Collabtive is a hosted, project management tool that is presented as an open […]

Fun with SSC Toolboxes

We all know that on Social Source Commons it’s super simple to create a toolbox by clicking on “Create toolbox” in the green “My Toolboxes” sidebar in the “My Toolboxes” tab. I mean, just look at all the Community Toolboxes SSC users have created! But you may not have realized some of the different things […]

Mapping Nonprofit Project Management Tools

Aspiration and Idealware co-organized the first-ever Managing Nonprofit Technology Projects gathering in New York on January 10th and 11th, 2008. We created an SSC toolbox containing all the project management tools which participants mapped out and tagged using state-of-the art sticky-note technology at the event. You can also see notes from all the sessions on […]

SSC Surpasses 1900 Tools!

Thanks to great contributions by community members, the SSC tool count marches upward and onward! We’ve gotten great additions recently from a number of SSC users, including: Rolf, who created a toolbox called Thunderbird as RSS Reader, detailing the collection of plugins and tools he uses to manage his RSS feeds; Lena, who added CopyWrite […]

Tools from the eAdvocacy Jamboree

Friday concluded the eAdvocacy Jamboree, and we had a killer time, that was also very informative. If you couldn’t make it, I compiled a list of tools that were discussed during the Jamboree, and I’ll be making a Community Toolbox to go along with it shortly. If you were at the Jamboree, and noticed that […]

How do you Manage your Board of Directors?

Recently I learned about BoardnetWork–a web based tool nonprofits can use to manage their Board of Directors. Each board member logs on to this website and can access key board information, read board meeting minutes, access board training resources, and find out when the next board meeting. This seems very useful, however I wonder how […]

New Features and New Mischief!

We just rolled a new version of SSC live this weekend, and wanted to tell you about new features and new mischief… We have added several features to better support Community Toolboxes: The most new important capability is that Community Toolboxes now may be edited collaboratively, should you choose to allow it. When you create […]

My Nonprofit Operations Community Toolboxes

My name is Heather Carpenter, I’m Assistant Director at Aspiration. My passion is nonprofit operations and I also write the Nonprofit Management and Operations blog on Aspiration’s website. I added software to my toolbox a while ago, however I really like to new community toolbox feature on SSC and just added the following community toolboxes: […]

Featured Community Toolbox: Amanda Hickman’s Recycle-A-Bicycle Toolbox

Continuing with our profiling of new Community Toolboxes, we move on to Amanda Hickman‘s Recycle-A-Bicycle Toolbox. Amanda is a consultant in Brooklyn, NY. She also directs communications at Recycle-A-Bicycle, for whom she created this toolbox. I recently chatted with her over email.

Featured Community Toolbox: Rolf Kleef’s Web Development Toolbox

It’s been a few weeks now since we added the Community Toolbox feature to SSC, and we’ve had some great toolboxes added to the site. I thought I would take some time to detail a few of the new toolboxes, and get some input from the creators of the toolboxes as far as what they […]

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