SSC Toolbox Social Source Commons Blog

Nonprofit Tech, Tools and Social Media

A program of Aspiration 

Category Archives: Tools

Exporting & Backing Up Your Social Media Data

Javascript is disabled. To see the toolbox, please enable Javascript or see the toolbox page. At Aspiration, we’ve been trying to smooth some of the rough edges that we have with regard to ensuring that we have our data secure. This both means having a reliable and trusted service into which we put that data […]

Online Communications Publishing Matrix Tools

We nonprofit geeks over at Aspiration, the mama organization for Social Source Commons have recently begun working in Social Media for our organization. While this new world can be big, scary, haphazard, constantly changing and full of scary critters, there is a lot of potential value that nonprofits can gain by engaging the different audiences […]

Modules for a Better World

Javascript is disabled. To see the toolbox, please enable Javascript or see the toolbox page. I wanted you all to check out a new toolbox one of our users put together to the right. Kathryn Benedicto recently created a toolbox of Drupal modules that she finds particularly useful. What is a “module” you ask? Modules […]

Open Source GIS, Negotiating and a Mad Lady Named Mimi

Another week at Social Source Commons, another set of great tools. Here are a few of the tools that picqued my interest as I watched them roll in from the SSC New Tools RSS Feed. Have any experience with these? Why not let us know what you think? 😀 Open Simulation Platform An innovative project […]

SSC Tool Comments

We all love to add tools to Social Source Commons and now we know that we can edit our toolbox tool descriptions so that they tell a specific story. But did you know that you can also leave your thoughts about a tool on its individual tool listing? Yes! Yes, you can. Drum roll, please. […]

Robert Weiner Talks about his Donor Databases Toolbox

Javascript is disabled. To see the toolbox, please enable Javascript or see the toolbox page. Robert Weiner, nonprofit technology consultant, recently put together a toolbox on Social Source Commons of Donor Databases and I was able to steal a few minutes of his time to get his opinion on donor databases for nonprofits. Check it […]

“Specific Use Case Tools” or “How I Subtitled My Video While Locating Food Pantries”

As a website that helps nonprofits find software tools to help them do the work that makes the world a better place, there are some things that most nonprofits need or at least get a lot of use from. Things like CRMs, CMSes (plural rule, anybody?) and accounting software. However, at the same time, there […]

Webinar Tools Toolbox

Javascript is disabled. To see the toolbox, please enable Javascript or see the toolbox page. Our very own intern Lukas Mericle recently put together a toolbox of Webinar Tools based on an NTEN Discussion thread. The thing about webinars is that they can be as boring as a race between a rock and a piece […]

Tool Tidbits 07.30.09

Facebook Redmine Basecamp Trac Intervals Loop11 Treejack Hello, SSC-ers! I thought you might be interested in a few posts about various tool-related topics. Let the tool education begin! Social Network Users Double in US Mashable‘s Adam Ostrow looks at Foster Research’s new report about American online behavior. About 1/3 of Americans visit social networks like […]

2 New Tools and a Toolbox on SSC

As we get more and more great New Tools added to Social Source Commons, we like to shout them out and see what our illustrious users think. So take a gander and let us know what tools are lighting up YOUR toolbox. Collabtive is a hosted, project management tool that is presented as an open […]

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