Category Archives: SSC
Featured Community Toolbox: Rolf Kleef’s Web Development Toolbox
It’s been a few weeks now since we added the Community Toolbox feature to SSC, and we’ve had some great toolboxes added to the site. I thought I would take some time to detail a few of the new toolboxes, and get some input from the creators of the toolboxes as far as what they […]
Welcome to the new Social Source Commons!
We are proud to announce the release of a brand new Social Source Commons! There are three core components to the upgrade: User Interface Redesign: Based on the great feedback we’ve received from many of you, we’ve overhauled the look and feel of SSC. We’ve worked to make the new site familiar to existing users, […]
Welcome to the SSC Blog!
Welcome to the SSC Blog! Our plan is to periodically update here with news related to SSC, new or interesting software tools that we’ve been seeing, and other random chatter that might be of interest to the nonprofit technology world. My name is Tim Wescott, and I’ll be the one primarily responsible for what you […]
Heeeeeeeeeeeeeeere’s Tim!
If you’ve used Social Source Commons at all over the past 6 months, you’re likely familiar with the prodigious work of Tim Wescott, our SSC product manager. Tim has helped drive a five-fold growth in our database of tools since his arrival, and has supported our community of users while helping to lead the redesign […]
Please Tell Us What You Think!
If you haven’t already filled out our user survey, please take a few minutes to tell us how to make SSC more valuable to you!
What We’re Hearing from Our Excellent SSC Beta Testers
Thanks to all you amazing Beta Testers who are putting SSC through its paces and telling us how we can make the platform more valuable in your work, and easier to use. We really appreciate the feedback, and encourage everyone to keep it coming. We hear you, and we’re integrating new features and key fixes […]
Welcome to SSC Beta Testers!
We are very grateful to have such a diverse and knowledgeable group of eRiders, developers and NPO/NGO technologists helping us kick the tires on this “beta” version of the Social Source Commons. Our goal is to build a resource that provides: A map of what software is being used for NPO/NGO needs A place to […]
Be Gentle With Us :^)
This is the first “live” version of the Social Source Commons! We are really excited to have you visiting and experimenting with the site. The site is in beta stage right now, which means most of the basic functions work, but we have a lot more plans for what it may do in the future. […]
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