SSC Toolbox Social Source Commons Blog

Nonprofit Tech, Tools and Social Media

A program of Aspiration 

Joomla! Day Las Vegas

This past weekend, I attended another glorious Joomla! Day in Las Vegas. For those of you who have never heard of Joomla!, it’s an open source content management system that allows you to create dynamic websites without the need to know code. Surrounding it is an increasingly vibrant community churning out extensions, new blocks of code, and, perhaps most importantly, Joomla! swag.

The purpose of an event like this is to bring together people from all sides of Joomla! in a physical space so that interaction is not solely confined to forums and emoticons, because, and let’s face it here, there’s only so much that can be gleaned from :Z

Joomla! Day Las Vegas was amazing, and possibly life changing. Personally, I learned more than I ever knew I wanted to know about extensions, the architecture of Joomla’s framework and where the heck to start when contemplating whether or not to roll out that kick-ass template complete with Ninja Turtles. One of the great things about open source tools is that the people behind them are what is really making the tool thrive. Interacting with a group of these people and being able to hash out the “current state of Joomla! ACL” (don’t ask) is surprisingly satisfying.

Lastly, I just wanted to throw a shoutout to Aspiration‘s absolutely amazing Joomla! peeps who make Joomla! Day possible:

Check out what the Joomla-ites had to say here and try not to be too jealous if you weren’t there to party it up open-source style :Z

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