SSC Toolbox Social Source Commons Blog

Nonprofit Tech, Tools and Social Media

A program of Aspiration 

Monthly Archives: August, 2008

A Few Good Community Toolboxes

As far as I am concerned, there is nothing more useful on Social Source Commons than a well-made community toolbox.  A community toolbox is a toolbox that someone has created with a particular theme that they can invite others to build on.  This allows community members to contribute their knowledge of tools and resources.  Toolboxes […]

Surveying CTC VISTA Software Tools

One of the projects that we’re implementing here at SSC is a survey of Americorps CTC VISTAs such as myself.  Every CTC VISTA is placed at a nonprofit somewhere in the United States.  Our roles center on capacity building for our organizations and behind the scenes, sustainable contributions to their goal.  The hope is that […]

Bringing More Value to the SSC Community

We here at Aspiration are constantly trying to offer greater value in the Social Source Commons for our users.  We realize that our community of users is the most important part of this undertaking and we’re starting to form some new Community Engagement goals to address the subject of you, the users.  Here’s a quick […]

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