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Nonprofit Tech, Tools and Social Media

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Social Media Toolkit Released by Greenlining

Greenlining Social Media ToolkitWe admire JC and Braelan, the good folks over at the Greenlining Institute in Berkeley. Today, we want to share out their newest publication, The Art of Listening: Social Media Toolkit for Nonprofits. The strategy guide is filled with social media strategies and tactics to really build a foundation for your social media presence as a nonprofit.

Is there anything better than to hear from an actual nonprofit (who has gone through the hoops) about how nonprofit technology works and doesn’t work for them?

And, it comes at a perfect time for us ;)! We’ve been thinking a lot about crafting messages, creating content, and building self-serve templates to help organizations plan their online messages. Read Engaging Network Hubs or A Template for Calendaring Your Messaging for more.

And then, BAM! We saw this! In their toolkit, Greenlining provides sample templates to help you plan your content. All photos are from Greenlining’s Social Media Toolkit and we recommend a download.

To start, if you are strapped for time to brainstorm content ideas in the beginning of each week or month, use this template to get your content generating house in order.

Greenlining's Social Media Toolkit: Weekly Content Ideas

Greenlining’s Social Media Toolkit: Brainstorm Content Ideas

Then, use the following as a sample to plan out how those ideas will get distributed across your online channels, like Facebook, Twitter, or email.


Greenlining’s Social Media Toolkit: Plan Your Content

Practical steps and bite size templates like these help to put ideas into action.

We’ve had the pleasure of sitting on the sidelines over the last several years watching Greenlining work hard to discover how social media can help build an online community and shape dialogue about a topic.

And now, they turned those learning lessons into something useful to share with fellow nonprofits! Thank you JC for getting at the heart of helping social justice advocates and organizations communicate and listen online.

How do you manage your weekly content and social media presence? Any tips or tricks to pass along to fellow nonprofits?


Plus, share the social media toolkit and tag @greenlining!

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