Monthly Archives: February, 2010
Facebook Causes Drama
I recently set up a Facebook Cause for Aspiration, the mama org of Social Source Commons. It was simple and in only a few minutes I had created an Aspiration Cause that I could use to find supporters and receive donations. My motivation wasn’t to start the grand “Help Aspiration Save the World!” fundraising campaign […]
Community Platforms for Nonprofit Orgs
Community Platform photo courtesy of paulsynnott Javascript is disabled. To see the toolbox, please enable Javascript or see the toolbox page. Recently, on the NTEN Discuss List, someone posted a question, looking for platforms that could work as community sites for members to chat, share documents, and just generally connect. This sparked a variety of […]
Bandwidth Management for Events
Javascript is disabled. To see the toolbox, please enable Javascript or see the toolbox page. Anyone who has been to a large event full of people with laptops has experienced that all-too-familiar scenario: Sitting in chair with laptop, about to send that tweet of Elmo doing the Single Ladies dance and *POOF* your internet connection […]
Social Media and Accessibility
An example of CAPTCHA We here at Social Source Commons Blog recently got an email asking us to reconsider our use of reCaptcha for spam management on our blog. reCAPTCHA is a tool that uses the CAPTCHA technique to verify that the person requesting to interact with the site (post a comment, register as a […]