SSC Toolbox Social Source Commons Blog

Nonprofit Tech, Tools and Social Media

A program of Aspiration 

Social Media Tracking Toolbox

Social Media Tracking

As social media tools and services continue to pop up every other day, it can become a lot of work just keeping up with what people are saying about your nonprofit. Many people have offered lists, solutions and techniques for tracking relevant information in the Web 2.0 world, so Allen Gunn, Aspiration‘s Executive Director put together a toolbox on SSC of Social Media Tracking Tools (embedded at right), so that a collection of all of these services can be found in one place. So check it out and let us know what you think! What should we add? What isn’t even worth including?

And just to overwhelm you a little more, here are a few related posts from Beth Kanter and Allyson Kapin 😀

What tools do YOU use for keeping track of what people are saying about you online?

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