SSC Toolbox Social Source Commons Blog

Nonprofit Tech, Tools and Social Media

A program of Aspiration 

Monthly Archives: July, 2007

Tools from the eAdvocacy Jamboree

Friday concluded the eAdvocacy Jamboree, and we had a killer time, that was also very informative. If you couldn’t make it, I compiled a list of tools that were discussed during the Jamboree, and I’ll be making a Community Toolbox to go along with it shortly. If you were at the Jamboree, and noticed that […]

Blogging from the eAdvocacy Jamboree

This week, Aspiration is facilitating the eAdvocacy Jamboree. It’s the fourth part in a series of Aspiration events in which we are attempting to communicate the best practices of online advocacy to nonprofits and political change organizations. Looking at this from a Social Source Commons perspective, I thought I would make a few posts about […]

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